
i like czech republic
very well
and i like to have a website here at this nice place but its in english or german

then cause i love your site i would make a english support page

what about this?

think that i ask is nice :?=)

I think I didnt undersand you completely.Do you want to ask admin if you could make webzdarma.cz support page in english?Or do you want to ask if its possible to have your site in english or german? You can have your site even in chinese if you want..
Hanyz: (Pro tvou informaci se nabídl, že by udělal anglicky support page, což by možná nebylo na škodu)
Yes you can make the english support page, but i´m not admin....
Ask the admin on e-mail adres mira@webzdarma.cz.
but he doesn't answer

thank you
Miro, ja taky myslim, ze je to dobrej napad...
(Mira, i think so that is good idea)
Míra is on the mountains:o).
preferably sking:o).
hehe :)

well, believe me, it's not so easy question

we have several reasons now why not to do extra support for foreign users ... actually we have several reasons why to block access to ftp server from outside of .cz domain but we won't do that

- most of foreign users understand our service as a place to store 50MB files, ... and guess are the files about .... yes, mostly porn/mp3/warez
- foreign network connectivity is considerably more expensive than traffic inside .cz domain
- i don't think, our service is anything so unique, that you can't similar website elsewhere
- foreign users are absolutly not interesting for advertisement campaigns
shall i continue ?

... however, we don't (and won't if i can say at the moment) block access from outside, of course, you can create any page you want (with compliance with our policy) but we won't do that page _official_
Sure, if you desire it, you can create somethin' like english-supportpage.wz.cz.