FTP Help Please! (English)

Hello everyone,

I'm suffering from a problem,
That is I can't log in my ftp.

My account is http://weatherman.wz.cz

Admin, would you mind please solving this problem for me?

Thanks a lot.
You must corect complete the ftp login it´s
server: ftp.webzdarma.cz
username: You domain (for exapmle is harry.wz.cz)
password: your password

if it´s not work you can try set the passive mode in internet exlorer if you conected with him...
i'm sure that everything is correct.
But I still can't log in,
I tried CuteFTP,
And even using IE weatherman.wz.cz:XXXXXXXXXXX@ftp.webzdarma.cz
But still can't.

I'm so worry about that. :'(
and here write your login data.
Try the setup passive mode...
Yes I tried it but still cannot login.

Oh I'm really sad now... :'(

Admin please checl for me and help... Please... :(
I can't log in my ftp too ........
Download the ftp client absolute ftp, and try again...
You can download at www.slunecnice.cz
Are your sites active, weren´t your sites removed by Admin ?
I'm using CuteFTP.
Surely I can log-in wz.cz web-base and email service,
But I just can't log-in my ftp account... :'(

Admin, Where are you?
I need your help. :'(
I also cant login to my ftp, my accout is dreher.wz.cz

is it a technical problem? or is something wrong with my ftp-settings?
i also tried in iexplorer without success
all these (three) domains (among others) are administratively blocked
too much abuse from our location, sorry to all honest guys (if any)
try connect from other location (reverse lookup for your IP address have to be in other 2nd-level domain to successfully login)

i'll put some note to english speaking users here on website with list of current blocked domains
Míro proč jso ty domény pro ně blokovaný?
to Lukasik: Mira tu uz v jednom anglickym vlaknu zduvodnoval, proc to neni zrovna open :)

Heh, to jsem buď nečetl, nebo nepřeložil:o).
Dear Admin,

I'm sure that I didn't abuse my weatherman.wz.cz account

It's not fair if you block the whole location,
So that all the user in this blocked location can't log-in their own ftp account.

Please concern it.

Thank you
>Heh, to jsem buď nečetl, nebo nepřeložil:o)

...eh, tak hledej smudlo :-))))

ale priblizne pujde asi o neco kolem warez (??) v zahranici existuje dost ruznych warez skupin, kteri hledaji mista kde udelat zdarma ucty pro uschovu a vymenu dat atd... treba tam bezel take nejaky bot... proste tak neco. tebe se to netyka, tak bych se o to nestaral :-)))

Se šmudlama mi dej už pokoj^_^.
Mno což, a e´warez je lepší asi host.sk má 1000 mb...
Ale je pomalej:o).
takze nepouzitelnej...
No na warez možná ano, kdo si počka a stáhne to...