user-authorization by htaccess?

Does allows user-authorization by using .htaccess and .htpasswd files? If so what is the path if I have an account ( under Thank you for your time to read this :).
Yes, wz allows it. Path is "/3w/", I think :o)
If it doesn't work, use this:
1) make file info.php a write this to it "<? phpinfo(); ?>"
2) put it to the wz a and run it
3) find script_filename and this path is that right, you must only replace info.php -> .htaccess
Todor: .htaccess works almost at all here. Also Digest HTTP Authentication works. (mod_auth_digest)
Would you give me more information about .htaccess or redirect me to pages describing how to use it, please?
Díky za radu, ale neexistuje nějaký popis přímo s ohledem na popis přístupu přes heslo? Zatím nemám na to, učit se celý Apache server ;-)
To hanyZ: Děkuji, velice jsi mi pomohl. To je přesně ono!