Jak na zalamování řádků v atributu title

Jak zalamovat řádky v atributu title BEZ JS!, aby to fungovalo i ve firefoxu. Při použití znaků 13, 10 (
) se tam ve firefoxu objevují zcela jiné znaky (osminová nota a obdélník obsahující obdélník a ještě jeden) a řádky se nezalamují.

<span title="tit1
místo prázdných závorek má být (& # x 0 0 0 A ; & # x 0 0 0 D ; )

a na konci
<span title="tit1 & # x 0 0 0 A ; & # x 0 0 0 D ; tit2">obsah</span>
<HTML>no pokud se ti to nelibi jako hexadecimalni zapis muzes klasicky pouzit
&#13; (\r) a &#13; (\n) nevim proc si to komplikovat

Já se obávám, že Mozilla ni FireFox takovouhle věc neumí. IE jo. A jak to jde přes JS?
jS: http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/

//\ overLIB 3.51 -- This notice must remain untouched at all times.
//\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
//\ By Erik Bosrup (erik@bosrup.com). Last modified 2002-11-01.
//\ Portions by Dan Steinman (dansteinman.com). Additions by other people are
//\ listed on the overLIB homepage.
//\ Get the latest version at http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/
//\ This script is published under an open source license. Please read the license
//\ agreement online at: http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/license.html
//\ If you have questions regarding the license please contact erik@bosrup.com.
//\ This script library was originally created for personal use. By request it has
//\ later been made public. This is free software. Do not sell this as your own
//\ work, or remove this copyright notice. For full details on copying or changing
//\ this script please read the license agreement at the link above.
//\ Please give credit on sites that use overLIB and submit changes of the script
//\ so other people can use them as well. This script is free to use, don't abuse.