anybody could tell me whats going on ?


can anybody tell me in english, when the server will be online again ?


cya psi
I'd also love to know but the fact is that no one knows. Dammit :(
what does the text say ???

Omlouváme se,

na serveru je nyní prováděna obnova diskového pole.
V tuto chvíli nejsme schopni říci, kdy bude moci být provoz obnoven.
Přijměte prosím naši omluvu, o dalším vývoji budete zde informováni.
Čtěte prosím dále diskusní forum (zejména tučně označené příspěvky), kde se dozvíte více.
Zatím byla zprovozněna možnost nahrát na server svá data znovu s omezením kapacity na 2 MB.
Na obnově původních dat se nadále pracuje. Děkujeme za pochopení.
psi:: I hope soon :)
We are sorry,

on the server we are making huge (damn, technical english :(( something as "re-make") of discs. At the moment, we aren't able to tell you, when servece will can continue. Please apologize us, you will be informed about newest facts. Please, continue reading discuss phorums (especially those bold-styled threads), where will be more informations aviable. At the moment, you can re-load your datas on the server with size-limit of 2 MBs. We are still working on recovery of original datas.
Thanks for patience (apologize, you can choose ;))) )

I hope, that there are not so much mistakes. If there are, I hope at least it is clear ;))))
big thanks !!

does this mean, that the data stored on the ftp-server is lost ?
or might be lost ?

..and please tell me in this post, whats going on.. this is the only way to get information for me.. my mails to webzdarma are not answered :(

cu psi
IMHO it means, that data are temporarily lost. But they will be recovered soon - as soon as admins will handle this problem
oh, good news :)
any news today ???