when will the data be restored ?


please tell me when the data will be restored and when the service is starting again..


cu psi
nobody knows ;-)
damn :(
I hope it will be on wednesday...
i hope so too
The service is now available at the moment, but the capacity is limited by 10MB.
my problem is.. at the same day the service got unavailable .. i had
a hdd crash.. so my html data is away..

now i am waiting until wz.cz restores the data..

DAMN !!!

i hope the guys will do that soon..

Hi I am from Czech
.. do you have any news for me??? about the restoring of the data which was on the accounts ?
Data is now restoring, but if that will be successful... who knows? we must wait...
how long could this take ??

Nobody knows when data will be restored ....
We will be hope when data will be restored, but nobody knows if YES or NO .... and when :(((

does anybody know - if i upload files to my account now.. will this data be overwritten when the data is restored ?
NEVER They are suckers, lossers, shits and bitchs !!!!
@!#$ webzdarma
Hacker, you are sucker, loser, @!#$ and bitchson.
This answer nobody knows, too .... maybe admin .... but this man not say to us
@!#$ YOU !!! DIED BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shut the @!#$ up! what do you know about admin's work? Have you ever do that job?