Pomoc! Velmi důležité!



I am Mr.Wang Qin, credit officer of Hang Seng Bank Ltd,
sorry if my English may not be well composed but I have a confidential
business proposition for you.
I honestly apologize and hope I do not cause you much embarrassment by
contacting youthrough this means for a transaction of this magnitude,but this is due
to confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium.Furthermore,due to this i
ssue on my hands now,it became necesary for me to seek your assistance, and it is
imperative for me to know your opinion.

On June 6,1998, a British Oil consultant/contractor with the Chinese
Solid Minerals Corporation, Mr.Smith Lawrence made a numbered time (Fixed)
Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US 28,000,000.00 (Twenty-eight Million
Dollars only) in my branch. Upon maturity,I sent a routine notification to his forwar
ding address but
got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his
contract employers, the Hong Kong Solid Minerals Corporation that Mr. Smith Lawrence
died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he died
without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless.

I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr.Smith Lawrence
did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including his
Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank. This sum of US28,000,000.00 is still sitting in my
Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each
year.No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to Laws of Hong Kong,
at the expiration of 5(five) years,the money will revert to the ownership of the Hong
Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in
as the next of kin to Mr. Smith Lawrence so that the fruits of this old man's labor
will not get into the hands of some corrupt government officials.This is simple, I
will like you to provide immediately your full names and address so that the
attorney will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits that will put you in pla
ce as the next of kin.We shall employ the services of an attorney for drafting and
notarization of the WILL and to obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate/
administration in your favor for the transfer. A bank account either a new one or
existng one in any part of the world that you will provide will then facilitate the
transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin. The money will be paid
into your account for us to sharein the ratio of 78% for me and 20% for
you and 2%for any expenses Incurred in the course of the transaction.

There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be
done by the attorney and with my position as the credit officer guarantees the
successful execution of this transaction.If you are interested,please reply immediate
ly.You may reply to my email box, qin2004@levele.com

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant
documents that will help you understand the transaction.

Please send me your confidential telephone and fax numbers for easy
communication. You should observe utmost confidentiality, and rest assured
that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require
your assistance to
invest my share in your country.

Awaiting your reply.

Thanks and regards.

Mr.Wang Qin.


Aneb co to je? Bojím se o život ;-)
Mám podezření na Hoax. Už jsem poslal výhružný mailík. Takhle zní v překladu :

Dobrý den,
to je nedorozumnění nebo spam resp. hoax? V naší zemi se za hoaxy a spamy trestají. Mohu to oznámit policii. Mám lidi a bodygárdy na zjišťování těchto činností.

Tak takovýhle ptákoviny mažu a ani neotvíram. Na yahoo mam schránku na spam.
No jo, taky mi furt chodí nějaké maily od negrů odněkud z Džibutska abych dal k dispozici své bankovní konto pro převod miliónů dolarů a co mi z toho kápne :-))

Rozhodně do toho pudu...;-)
Normal.. Takovych podvodu je...
trochu mi to připomělo hodný nigerijce. ti zase nabízeli asi 6 mil USD...
Spam, spam a nic jenom spam. Tihle lidé sázejí na neznalost lidí. Taková 30ti letá ženská, která se dostane 5 krát do roka k PC a má mail jen proto, aby zaplnila místo na vizitce, si sedne k PC a precte si tech 2500 emailu, ktery ji zahltili schranku. Verte tomu nebo ne, byla by toho schopna. Proto s takovymto odpadem. Seznam na to kapnul. Vytvoril samostatnou slozku, do ktere tridi Spamove emaily. Neni to sice uplne stoprocentni, ale alespon nemusite hledat mezi 50ti dnesnimy emaily zpravu od kamose.

Centrum zavedlo složku pro Spam taky ... já jen pro informaci, sami se po 10 dnech smažou, tu dobu bohužel nelze ovlivnit.
Nejlepší je Yahoo.com! Složka pro spam je tam taky, maže se po 30 dnech, u jednotlivých e-mailů od kohokoli je možnost nastavit, že jsou spam a od té doby chodí do složky pro spam. Lze je také hromadně mazat. A k tomu všemu si můžete měnit barevný vzhled. Vřele doporučuju :-)
Spam filtry, někdy užitečné někdy je to blbost. Mě tam hází 1/2 zpráv samozřejmně to není spam.
Na yahoo si to ale můžeš nastavit. Spam/Not spam. U kazdyho mailu :)
Čau Michale.Já vím,že ti nikdo chce poslat 28 000 000 000 §.Tak to řekni policii.Čau Martin Kindl
Michale!Dík za psaníčko!Tak ještě napiš.Martin
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