Hi can any help me to set up mysql i cant understand the language :(

Hi can anyone help me set up mysql db for my phpbb forum . Please reply in a little depth and if possible translate the words of the user name and password into English so I can understand it. M,y mail address is usmanrules@hotmail.com any help would be appreciated
i need to hepl database name ?
You have to use MySQL - front if you want transfer your database here. Direct access to dB space is not alowed.
i can not using PHPmyAdmin tool on this website... when i log in, it always says that "Cookies must be enable past this....". I do not know why, cause i've never disable the cookies...
You have to activate MySQL Database.
That red alert about cookies is there alltimes.
Log into this server ( www.webzdarma.cz ) , go to section called "Nastavení účtu" then to "Nastavení MySQL a check that white bar. Then you will receive your username for MySQL and you have to write down your password. You can work with MySQL then.
Re: Hi can any help me to set up mysql i cant understand the language :(
this (section called "Nastavení účtu" then to "Nastavení MySQL ) lost!!!!

this one lost no more any way

what i well do ?
Nastavení MySQL no more
only i have phpMyAdmin
what i wel do ? and thanks for all
plz fast help me
how can i get a web server (example:nguyenphikha.wz.cz)?