Create a MySQL-Account ?!?!

How can I create a new MySQL-Database? There is only a link to edit it (phpmyadmin), but nothing to create a new database!

Can anyone help me?
Log in, then go to 'nastavení účtu' (account setup) -> 'nastavení MySQL' (MySQL setup) -> check 'Aktivní' (active) -> type in database password to 'Přístupové heslo'.

That should be it :)
Please i am not able to understand how too create MYSQl for my setup.
Please somebody help me in doing it.
jaky typ sloupcu v databazi je nejlepsi pouzit pro ip adresy? myslim tim varchar, int, text, date atd...
> jaky typ sloupcu v databazi je nejlepsi pouzit pro ip adresy? myslim tim
> varchar, int, text, date atd...

int je neuspornejsi co se tyce prostoru, ale na to bych kaslal a dal to do 15-ti mistneho varcharu, pokud s tim nedelas nejake specialni cviky
ty ostatni typy se na to hodi velmi malo :)

jinak je lepsi zalozit s novym dotazem nove tema, kdyz to nesouvisi s tim puvodnim :)
v urcitych ptripadech by se zase mohlo hodit ukladat to jako int za pouziti fce ip2long() long2ip() (hlavne kvuli te optimalizaci, jak jsi rekl - pokud se jedna o logovani, docela je to poznat)...

Why I can't see 'nastavení MySQL' (MySQL setup)
please help me
<HTML>This is currently not available for some users - due to massive attacks from some networks. We are working on this but I cannot guarantee that the same policies for creating databases will be restored.

sorry for this, but for now, there is not better way to preserving mysql usable at least for some users</HTML>
so why don't you configure your mysql server to accept connections only from 'localhost' ? 'not avaible for some users' what does it mean for _some_ users? for new users?