a volam SOS. Nedari se mi pripojeni k MySQL ze zadneho SW. Napriklad z programu MyCon vybiha chyba......
(2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql.webzdarma.cz' (0): Could not connect to mysql server using:
Please check the following:
>MySQL Server is running on the host and port specified and that you can access it through possible firewalls
>If the server is available and on a remote machine, check that this username (with password) may access it from a remote IP, see MySQL Manual (Security)
Pri pokusu o konfiguraci ODBC ve Windows zase hlaska...
(MySQL)(ODBC 3.51 Driver) Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql.webzdarma.cz' (10071)
Uz vazne nevim co s tim;-)
Predem dik.
do databaze na wz se muzes pripojit jenom z wz.. teda pokud vim..
Takze jen pres webove rozhrani?
Presneji receno jen z WZ. Tedy bud phpMyAdminem na mysql.wz.cz, nebo pomoci PHP skriptu umisteneho na serverech WZ.