pomoc s dotazem pls

delam si jednoduche statistiky, mam tabulku v ktore mam zapisane navstevniky potrebuji vytahnut zoznam 10 nejlepsich reffereru
vim ze to bude neco s SELECT DISTINCT al COUNT
table statistiky

id time refferer

1 1085486066 http://wz.cz/
2 1085485360 http://google.com/
3 1085484828 http://wz.cz/
4 1085484533 http://wz.cz/
5 1085484171 http://google.com/
6 1085484171 http://yahoo.com/

a vystup by mel byt zoraden podla poctu refereru

http://wz.cz/ 3
http://google.com/ 2
http://yahoo.com/ 1

SELECT refferer, COUNT(refferer) FROM statistiky GROUP BY refferer ORDER BY COUNT(refferer) LIMIT 10;

SELECT refferer, COUNT(refferer) FROM statistiky GROUP BY refferer ORDER BY COUNT(refferer) DESC LIMIT 10;
dik moc Tomas :)
to skusam na MYSQL a mosel som to trochu upravit pridal som alias

SELECT ref, COUNT(ref) AS cnt FROM statz GROUP BY ref ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10;

este raz dik dik dik , moc si mi pomohl :)