eZ publish

Snažím e instalovat redakční systém eZ publish, ale mám problém s následující hláškou:
open_basedir is in use and can give problems running eZ publish due to bugs in some PHP versions.
It's recommended that it is turned off if you experience problems running eZ publish.
System check
There are some important issues that have to be resolved. A list of issues / problems is presented below. Each section contains a description and a suggested / recommended solution.

Once the problems / issues are fixed, you may click the Next button to continue. The system check will be run again. If everything is okay, the setup will go to the next stage. If there are problems, the system check page will reappear.

Some issues may be ignored by checking the Ignore this test checkbox(es); however, this is not recommended.

It is also possible to do some finetuning of your system, click Finetune instead Next if you want to see the finetuning hints.

1. PHP safe mode is enabled
eZ publish may work with safe mode on, however there might be several features that will be unavailable. Some of the things that might occur are:

Not possible to extend time limits
Some parts of eZ publish relies on cronjobs to handle workflows etc., and may require a longer time to run than normal page loads. With this on the cronjob scripts will not succeed.
Wrong permissions
If the site is not setup correctly eZ publish will not be able to work with files correctly, this could mean file uploads, image handling and cache creation. Safe mode requires that the same owner is set on the index.php script and all other files for the site.
File uploading
Uploading files trough the web will not possible unless configured correctly. This means that images, files and media will not be possible to use.
It's recommended that the option is turned off. To turn it off edit your php.ini configuration and set safe_mode to Off. More information on the subject can be found at php.net.

php.ini example:

safe_mode = 0

If you're not able to turn safe mode off you should try to fix the following issues.

To make sure that all files have the correct user and group owner run the following commands.

cd /3w/wz.cz/*/
chown nouser.nouser *.php
chown -R nouser.nouser cronjobs design doc lib settings update kernel sdk share var
Alternatively you may run

cd /3w/wz.cz/*/
chown nouser.nouser -R *
If you only have access to the site using ftp you will have to consult your ftp client and server to see if it is possible to run the chown command.

Note: The nouser.nouser must be changed to your webserver username and groupname.

2. Insufficient execution time allowed to install eZ publish
eZ publish will not work correctly with a execution time limit of 20. It's highly recommended that you fix this.

Locate the php.ini settings file for your PHP installation. On unix systems, this is normally located at /etc/php.ini, on windows systems check the PHP installation path. Open the php.ini file and change the max_execution_time value to at least 30, and press Next

If you are running eZ publish in a shared host environment, contant your ISP to perform the changes

Má někdo zkušenosti, jak se s tím vypořádat?

>> safe_mode = 0


>> To make sure that all files have the correct user and group owner run the following commands.

To by melo byt OK...

>> eZ publish will not work correctly with a execution time limit of 20

Nevim presne, jaky je limit spousteni skriptu tady na WZ. Co se tyce cronu, zkus pozadat podporu.
na wz je myslim 60 sekund
To jsem si právě myslel, že takhle se kontaktuje podpora.
Případně jestli umíš poradit se změnou vlastníka. Mám win2000. Zkoušel jsem Total Commander, ale ten umí změnit jenom práva, ale ne vlastníka.

Note: The nouser.nouser must be changed to your webserver username and groupname.

Doufám, že to chápu dobře, že bych měl změnit vlastníka a skupinu u souborů a adresářů na jméno, pod kterým se přihlašuji.

Bohužel, podle phpinfo je nastaven na 20 s.