FTP Server

Hello, I'm hoping someone here will be able to understand English... My apologies for posting in English, but it is all I know.

I'm working on an account for a friend of mine. I've installed phpBB forums into his web space, and they work very well. Thank you webzdarma, you provide a wonderful service.

I would like to install some mods though, and to do this, I need the location of the FTP server. On most web servers it is "localhost". I have tried all kinds of different things, but I am obviously not getting it.

I have tried:


and a whole bunch of others that I can't remember.

Any assistance would be gratefully recieved.

Again, sorry for the English...
The address of FTP server here is always the same as your username, so in your case it is drekforums.wz.cz, or you can use IP address, nevertheless 'localhost' should work in your scripts, but I don't know exactly, if it is true, because I have never tested this setting..

BTW Your English doesn't matter, apologizing is not neccessary..
Thanks for the response. I will try this out and let you know if it works. I know for a fact that localhost doesn't work, as I tried that already.
I'm afraid I tried:



and neither of them worked.
Its ok, I figured out how to get it working. Thanks for the help. :)