Problem which phpBB2

Hi, I have problem which my phpBB2 forum, i have errors:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /3w/ in /3w/ on line 182

This error repeat 4times in index.php. In different files i have this error's too... please help
Thx for answers.
i think it is error in source code, maybe you should download new version...
I downloaded versions 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3 from and all versions have this error i found in faq this:
"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent -- Použití funkce header(), setcookie() atp. předcházel výstup kódu stránky. Protokol HTTP vyžaduje, aby byly všechny hlavičky odeslány před prvním výstupem. Součástí chybové hlášky je, v kterém souboru a na kterém řádku výstup začal."
but i dont know what is write, becuse i dont speak Czech.
If you sent the headers in to the browers, headers must be firt from all...
You can´t send first samothing texto or anything... you must send headers and aftre text... this is is too same what you write in yzech language...:-).
i have at home version 2.0.3 and it works well, on which address do you have this forum? but now i not have errors only i cant refresh board when i write post, i must clear Temporary Internet Files :( Second error i dont know why i cant open .../admin/index.php, i have errors this: "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by..."
check privileges in folder templates/subSilver/images/lang_polish

posting works well for me, maybe it's problem on your computer...
mám ten samy problem, je to od doby co se obnovily stranky, mužetze mi poradit??? diky