Problem se scriptem

Stahl jsem si tento script mel by vytvaret ucty do jedne hry ale z nejakeho duvodu nefunguje mohl by mi nekdo rict kde je chyba? dekuji

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DarkZero's Account Creator for Helbreath Servers
If you find a bug, have a suggestion for another script,
or need to contact me, please contact me one of the following ways:
AIM: DarkZeroPU
ICQ: 157544686
IRC: #h2 #hbredemption
This file may be distributed freely as long as this part of the code is left intact.
I do not demand it, but please give me credit if you decide to use my script. No, it's
not that good but it did take a long time to make.
Everything herein is Copyright Brian Seeders 2003
The only thing you need to do is insert your character directory into the line
below (leave off the \ at the end)
Make sure to use double \'s
Release Notes:
August 30, 2003: First release

In the next release:
-Suggestions Needed-

---------------Edit this----------------*/
$dir = 'C:\\HBSERVER\\Account';
echo '<form action='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' method=post>
<input name=account type=text maxlength=10>
<input name=password type=password maxlength=10>
<input name=confirm type=password maxlength=10>
<input name=email type=text>
Security Question:
<input name=question type=text>
<input name=answer type=text>
<input name=submit type=submit value=Submit>
Abuse of this system will result in deletion of accounts,characters, and permanent ban.</p>
$account = $_POST['account'];
$confirm = $_POST['confirm'];
$date = date('F d, Y g:i A');
$password = $_POST['password'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$question = $_POST['question'];
$answer = $_POST['answer'];
$firstletter = substr($account, 0, 1);
$ascii = ord($firstletter);
$filename = $dir . '\\ASCII'.$ascii.'\\'.$account.'.txt';
$lines = file('accountlog.txt');
foreach($lines as $b){
if(trim($b) == $ip){ $ipflag=TRUE; }
if($ipflag){ echo 'Account creation failed. You\'ve already registed an account.'; }
if($account == '') { echo 'Account creation failed. Please fill out all fields.'; }
elseif(file_exists($filename)) { echo 'Account creation failed. Account name already exists.';}
elseif($email == '') { echo 'Account creation failed. Please fill out all fields.';}
elseif(!ereg("^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$", $email)){ echo 'Account Creation Failed. Please enter a valid E-Mail.'; }
elseif($password != $confirm) { echo '<body bgcolor=#666666 text=#CCCCCC link=#000000><font face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif><i>Account creation failed. Password does not match confirmation password.';}
$fp = fopen($filename, 'w+');
$string = 'Account Created: '.$date.' With the IP: '.$ip.'


account-name = '.$account.'


account-password = '.$password.'


account-valid-time = 0
account-valid-date = 2003 4 5

account-change-password = 2003 3 29

account-Gender = Male
account-Age =
account-Birth-Year = xxxx
account-Birth-Month = xx
account-Birth-Day = xx
account-RealName = a
account-SSN = aaaaa
account-Email = '.$email.'
account-Quiz = '.$question.'
account-Answer = '.$answer.'
account-created-by = DarkZero\'s Account Generator';
$write = fputs($fp, $string);
$moo = fopen('accountlog.txt', 'a');
fwrite($moo, ''.$ip.'
echo 'Account created successfully, you may now login.';
a jaks poznal, ze to nefunguje? neboli: nejaka chybova hlaska by nebyla?
mno po odkliknuti mi hodil stranka nelze zobrazit a ucet se nevytvoril (Delam to na localhostu)
Si myslíš, že to někdo bude číst jo? Já teda ne...
Mě to script funguje, musíš si vytvořit na disku adresář HBSERVER nebo nějaký jiný, ale to si musíš přepsat v této části scripu, je to hned na začátku scriptu! Tam se to potom ukládá Account.txt soubory, když to dáš na server, tak musíš udělat relativní adresář a povolit práva pro zápis do adresáře.

---------------Edit this----------------*/
$dir = 'C:\\HBSERVER\\Account';