
Ahoj vsem prosim nevedel by nekdo jestli jde pingnout pres php na urcite ip ? pokud nekdo vi jak na to prosim poradte predem dekuji za odpoved
no, já jsem si kdysi udělal takovýto skript....
a přes něj můžu posílat jekékoliv příkazy serveru (tedy i ping), na wz ale nepůjde...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html lang="cs" xml:lang="cs">
text-align: left;
margin: auto;
border:1px solid;
fieldset legend{
border:1px solid;
<form method="post" action="#">
<legend>* - *</legend>
<input cols="50" type="text" name="prikaz" value="<? echo$_POST['prikaz']; ?>" /><input type="submit" value="spustit" />
if (isset($_POST['prikaz']) && $_POST['prikaz'] !=''){
$x = '';
passthru($prikaz, $x);

// echo nl2br($x);
echo $x;
tohle jsem nemel na mysli myslim nejakou funkci ktera proste vyhodi true nebo false pokud najde nebo nenajde ip (dostane odezvu) ale jinak diky za radu nevi nekdo jak na to ?
Tak prostě jen zkus otevřít nějaký soubor z toho serveru třeba funkcí fopen() - předpokladem je, že znáš adresu souboru, který tam opravdu je...

pokud se podaří, server jede, jinak zřejmě ne
pouzil jsem funkci fsockopen zadal jsem IP a kontroluje jestli ho najde tak funguje spravne ale v pripade ze to IP mu neodpovi tak nepokracuje dal :( a to nevim jak prekonat zkousel jsem vymyslet zpusob jak to jinak delat ale na nic jsem neprisel toto je muj scriptik

for ($i=1; $i<= 255; $i++)

echo ('<br>'.$prvni .'.'. $druhe .'.'. $treti .'.'. $i);

$fp = fsockopen("$prvni.$druhe.$treti.$i", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fp)
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n";
echo('<font color="red"> nejede </font>');

echo('<font color="green"> jede </font>');


toto funguje do doby kdy ty IP adresy odpovidaji na port 80 ale jakmile nenajde odpoved tak se kousne s chybovou hlaskou ze vyprsel casovy limit
Mozno si mal na mysli toto..
Naposledy ked som to skusal tak to fungovalo.

pracuje to s ICMP sockets

tusim som to trochu aj upravil od originalu aby mi to fungovalo

#!/usr/bin/php -q
| Copyright (C) 2004 Larry Adams & Ian Berry |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
| of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| cacti: a php-based graphing solution |
| Most of this code has been designed, written and is maintained by |
| Ian Berry. See about.php for specific developer credit. Any questions |
| or comments regarding this code should be directed to: |
| - |
| - raXnet - |

class Net_Ping
var $socket;
var $host;
var $ping_status;
var $ping_response;
var $snmp_status;
var $snmp_response;
var $request;
var $request_len;
var $reply;
var $timeout;
var $retries;
var $precision;
var $time;
var $timer_start_time;

function Net_Ping()

function close_socket()

function start_time()
$this->timer_start_time = microtime();

function get_time($acc=2)
// format start time
$start_time = explode (" ", $this->timer_start_time);
$start_time = $start_time[1] + $start_time[0];
// get and format end time
$end_time = explode (" ", microtime());
$end_time = $end_time[1] + $end_time[0];
return number_format ($end_time - $start_time, $acc);

function build_udp_packet() {
$data = "cacti-monitoring-system"; // the actual test data

// now lets build the actual icmp packet
$this->request = chr(0) . chr(1) . chr(0) . $data . chr(0);
$this->request_len = strlen($this->request);

function build_icmp_packet() {
$data = "cacti-monitoring-system"; // the actual test data
$type = "\x08"; // 8 echo message; 0 echo reply message
$code = "\x00"; // always 0 for this program
$chksm = "\xCE\x96"; // generate checksum for icmp request
$id = "\x40\x00"; // we will have to work with this later
$sqn = "\x00\x00"; // we will have to work with this later

// now lets build the actual icmp packet
$this->request = $type.$code.$chksm.$id.$sqn.$data;
$this->request_len = strlen($this->request);

function ping_icmp() {
/* ping me */
if ($this->host["hostname"]) {
/* initialize variables */
$this->ping_status = "down";
$this->ping_response = "ICMP Ping timed out";

/* initialize the socket */
$this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1);

/* set the timeout */
SOL_SOCKET, // socket level
SO_RCVTIMEO, // timeout option
"sec"=>$this->timeout, // Timeout in seconds
"usec"=>0 // I assume timeout in microseconds

if (@socket_connect($this->socket, $this->host["hostname"], NULL)) {
// do nothing
} else {
$this->ping_response = "Cannot connect to host";
$this->ping_status = "down";
return false;

/* build the packet */

$retry_count = 0;
while (1) {
if ($retry_count >= $this->retries) {
$this->status = "down";
$this->response = "ICMP ping Timed out";
return false;

/* get start time */

socket_write($this->socket, $this->request, $this->request_len);
$code = @socket_recv($this->socket, $this->reply, 256, 0);

/* get the end time */
$this->time = $this->get_time($this->precision);

if ($code) {
$this->ping_status = $this->time * 1000;
$this->ping_response = "Host is alive";
return true;

} else {
$this->ping_status = "down";
$this->ping_response = "Destination address not specified";
return false;

function ping_snmp() {
/* initialize variables */
$this->snmp_status = "down";
$this->snmp_response = "Host did not respond to SNMP";
$output = "";

/* get start time */

/* poll ifDescription for status */
$retry_count = 0;
while (1) {
if ($retry_count >= $this->retries) {
$this->snmp_status = "down";
$this->snmp_response = "Host did not respond to SNMP";
return false;

$output = cacti_snmp_get($this->host["hostname"],
"." ,

/* determine total time +- ~10% */
$this->time = $this->get_time($this->precision);

/* check result for uptime */
if (!empty($output)) {
/* calculte total time */
$this->snmp_status = $this->time*1000;
$this->snmp_response = "Host responded to SNMP";
return true;

} /* ping_snmp */

function ping_udp() {
/* Host must be nonblank */
if ($this->host["hostname"]) {
/* initialize variables */
$this->ping_status = "down";
$this->ping_response = "default";

/* initilize the socket */
$this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);

/* set the socket timeout */
SOL_SOCKET, // socket level
SO_RCVTIMEO, // timeout option
"sec"=>$this->timeout, // Timeout in seconds
"usec"=>0 // I assume timeout in microseconds

if (@socket_connect($this->socket, $this->host["hostname"], 33439)) {
// do nothing
} else {
$this->ping_status = "down";
$this->ping_response = "Cannot connect to host";
return false;

/* format packet */

$retry_count = 0;
while (1) {
if ($retry_count >= $this->retries) {
$this->ping_response = "UDP ping timed out";
$this->ping_status = "down";
return false;

/* set start time */

/* send packet to destination */
socket_write($this->socket, $this->request, $this->request_len);

/* get packet response */
$code = @socket_recv($this->socket, $this->reply, 256, 0);

/* caculate total time */
$this->time = $this->get_time($this->precision);

if (($code) || (empty($code))) {
if (($this->time*1000) <= $this->timeout) {
$this->ping_response = "Host is Alive";
$this->ping_status = $this->time*1000;
return true;
} else {
$this->ping_response = "Destination address not specified";
$this->ping_status = "down";
return false;
} /* end ping_udp */

function ping($avail_method = AVAIL_SNMP_AND_PING, $ping_type = ICMP_PING, $timeout=500, $retries=3)
/* initialize variables */
$ping_ping = true;
$ping_snmp = true;

$this->ping_status = "down";
$this->ping_response = "Ping not performed due to setting.";
$this->snmp_status = "down";
$this->snmp_response = "SNMP not performed due to setting or ping result.";

/* do parameter checking before call */
/* apply defaults if parameters are spooky */
if ((int)$avail_method <= 0) $avail_method=AVAIL_SNMP;
if ((int)$ping_type <= 0) $ping_type=PING_UDP;

if (((int)$retries <= 0) || ((int)$retries > 5))
$this->retries = 2;
$this->retries = $retries;

if ((int)$timeout <= 0)

/* decimal precision is 0.0000 */
$this->precision = 5;

/* snmp pinging has been selected at a minimum */
$ping_result = false;
$snmp_result = false;

/* icmp/udp ping test */
if (($avail_method == AVAIL_SNMP_AND_PING) || ($avail_method == AVAIL_PING)) {
if ($ping_type == PING_ICMP) {
$ping_result = $this->ping_icmp();
}else if ($ping_type == PING_UDP) {
$ping_result = $this->ping_udp();

/* snmp test */
if (($avail_method == AVAIL_SNMP) || (($avail_method == AVAIL_SNMP_AND_PING) && ($ping_result == true))) {
if ($this->host["snmp_community"] != "") {
$snmp_result = $this->ping_snmp();
$snmp_result = true;
}else if (($avail_method == AVAIL_SNMP_AND_PING) && ($ping_result == false)) {
$snmp_result = false;

switch ($avail_method) {
if ($snmp_result)
return true;
if (!$ping_result)
return false;
return false;
if ($snmp_result)
return true;
return false;
if ($ping_result)
return true;
return false;
return false;
} /* end_ping */
