caw..mam script na prihlaseni a kdyz ho inluduju na index tak mi to hodi tyhle chyby...
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /3w/ in /3w/ on line 5
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /3w/ in /3w/ on line 5
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /3w/ in /3w/ on line 37
sice se vsechno zobrazi v pohode ale bohuzel se tam zobrazi i mimo jine i tyhle chyby...
tohle je ten script:
$MT1 = explode(" ", microtime());
$start = $MT1[1] + $MT1[0];
require 'db_conn.php';
require 'auth/auth_login.php';
require 'auth/auth_auth.php';
if ($_COOKIE['uo_log'] == true && AuthAuth(1) != AUTH_ERR_ALLOK ){
$username = $_COOKIE['uo_name'];
$userpass = $_COOKIE['uo_pass'];
$l = AuthLogin($conn, strtolower($username), $userpass);
if ($l == AUTH_ERR_ALLOK ) header("location: index.php");
require 'fce2.php';
switch ($_GET['dir']) {
case 'obchod':
$directory = 'obchod';
$page_title = '* Obchod guildy '.$guildname.' *';
case 'members':
$directory = 'members';
$page_title = '* Členská sekce stránek guildy '.$guildname.' *';
$directory = 'stranky';
$page_title = '* '.strtoupper($guildname).' - guilda na UO shardu Dark Paradise *';
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-control: no-cache");
header ("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
$konverze_vstup = "()[]./\\\'\"";
$konverze_vystup = " ";
$_GET['page'] = strtr($_GET['page'], $konverze_vstup, $konverze_vystup);
if (File_Exists($directory . '/' . $_GET['page'] . '.php')) {
require $directory . "/" . $_GET['page'] . ".php";
} else {
EchoError("Stránka " . $_GET['page'] . " nenalezena!");
} else {
require $directory . "/index.php";
pls mohl by mi nekdo poradit jak to rozjet?
dik moc za odpovedi...
bude to pre to ze tento script sa ma nachadzat na zaciatku stranky, pretoze nemozes modifikovat hlavicku po jej zaslani.
urcite nieco pred tym vypisujes, na to si davaj pozor